single - $20.70 -
2 up to 2 - $18.86 - per item
3 up to 4 - $17.25 - per item
5 up to 9 - $14.95 - per item
10 up to 100 - $12.65 - per item
EUDYNA 0.05% is usually applied to the face once a day in the evening, following steps listed below:
- Gently wash your face with a mild soap
- Pat the skin dry and wait 20-30 minutes before applying EUDYNA 0.05%
- Take a small amount of this medicine (the size of a pearl about 5mm diameter) on your fingertip and apply to your face
- This should be enough to cover your affected area lightly
- Be careful when applying EUDYNA 0.05% to avoid your eyes, ears, nostrils, angles of the nose and mouth
If you use more of EUDYNA 0.05%
- Using too much of this medicine may increase discomfort and skin redness and peeling
If you stop using EUDYNA 0.05%
- Consult with your doctor before stop taking this medicine